Adhoc invoice approvals

Adhoc invoice approvals

What are Ad Hoc Approvals?

In Zahara you can create as many pre-determined Approval processes as you need – for purchases and for invoices. These rely on logic to determine who the approver is or indeed if the Purchase or Invoice needs to go for approval.

There are times though, with invoices, when sometimes you just want to select someones name from a list. We call this Ad-Hoc approvals.

To enable Ad Hoc approvals – head to Business > Settings > Workflow

ad hoc approvals

Firstly, switch Ad Hoc on.

You will then see the extra settings.  Multiple select your finance users from the list that can use this feature and send invoices out for approval.

Set the “Reply To” address – perhaps this will be the email address for the finance team or a particular user in finance.

Set the from address, as per your SMTP settings – so if you use Zahara’s SMTP make sure this is an email address.

Then set the subject for your Ad Hoc invoice approvals

Save your settings


Using Ad Hoc Approvals

Using Ad Hoc approvals is very easy. From your invoice, you choose an approver  and determine the outcome if it’s approved.

Treat as Complete – we have built-in a feature that you need to be aware of. If you send an invoice to Tony for approval and he approves it- is that the end of it or are you wanting to send it on to other people afterwards? Perhaps there are multiple lines to approve. “Treat as complete” means that if Tony approves it, and you set it as “Treat as complete” then you will see the Green approve icon. If however, you don’t tick this, you will see a flashing orange icon. The flashing icon means its been actioned so you now need to look at it.

Sending for approval 

Firstly, click into your invoice by clicking the invoice number. You will now see this new icon …

ad hox invoice approvals

Click the people icon …

adhoc invoices

  1. Select your approver – just the approver you want.
  2. Select the approval type – standard, Must Edit or Can Edit
  3. Select the outcome – Email Me – will email you the outcome, Treat as complete – see above
  4. Click Send

Now the approver will receive the approval email, the history will be updated and the icon will stay orange until actioned.


Finalising the approval 

If you didn’t click “Treat as Complete” you can manually change the invoice status to Green when you are happy that the invoice has been approved. ad hox invoice approvals change

Use the … menu to Change the status in the list to Green (Approved) or Red (Rejected)

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