Cost Codes

Cost Codes

Business > Cost Codes

Cost codes are totally arbitrary but allow you to further allocate your spend. You have your ledger code – say “5050 – Stationary” but in addition you could have cost codes for Paper, Pens, Envelopes, etc. You can create what you need.

Like Nominal Codes – you can import them and you can in-line edit them as well. Each code has a Code and A Description.

Have a read of the Nominal Codes help guide so you know how to:

  1. Set a supplier default.
  2. Set the correct validations.
  3. Choose the formatting

cost codes

If you do not wish to use cost codes, you can remove them from the Users view, by editing each of their permissions. If the permissions are all removed for cost codes, they will not appear on the line items. 

For Xero users, Cost Codes will align to your first Tracking Category 

For QuickBooks users, Cost Codes will align to Classes

For Sage 50 users, Cost Codes can be used as Department ID's or can be the Cost Codes for Projects if you use projects. 

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