Finding an invoice

Finding an invoice

In Zahara speak, a document is a Purchase, an Invoice or a Purchase Requisition. So the question to answer here is how do you find them later on. 

Contextual Filtering

First off you have respective document lists.

  • Purchases
  • Invoices
  • Purchase Requisitions

Each of these document lists are customisable at a user level to display the fields that are important to you and the display order. The display order should be defaulted to the “created date” but you may need to actually display this field your self by entering the … menu.

You also have various filters you can apply – such as All, Last 30 Days and Last month. These are typically all based on the “created date” of the document though, so bear this in mind. An invoice date could be 31/5/2018 but the created date might be 3/6/2018 so wouldn’t necessarily appear in “Last Month” 

You can also search here – you will notice the search bar. This is searching inside the results though. This is in effect filtered searching.

Global Search

The global search icon is at the top of the page is next to the help icon. This is a useful tool as you can search for:

  • Order Numbers
  • Invoice Numbers
  • Suppliers
  • Line Items Contents
  • Products
  • Projects 

First off choose the type of entity you wish to search for. ie Choose invoice. Then key in an invoice number. Then click search or hit return. The results will show. if you choose 'All' as the category, you can search inside the line item content as well. 



In addition to global search you also have reporting. You can run off and export lists of orders and invoices and various other items. There are also hyperlinks to the individual records. 


Finally, as most documents relate to a supplier, you can access the Orders &Invoices in the supplier record. To do this you have to have the supplier edit permission to actually get into the supplier record. These lists can be sorted in the order you want – say newest first.


You can find your documents in a number of different ways but our recommendation is to use the Global Search option – this can save time if you want to go straight to something specific. List views are great for the context of seeing what’s delivered, or what’s waiting for approval and search is best for getting to the right thing quickly.

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