Supplier Portal

Supplier Portal

You can set Zahara to allow individual suppliers to log in to Zahara and see their Purchase Orders and Invoices. You can even allow them to create their own invoices, or match them against existing orders. We recommend you use this sparingly though. 


How It Works 

  1. Make sure you have enough spare user licenses to create user accounts for individual suppliers.
  2. Create a user account and set relevant permissions – see below. 
  3. Set a manual password. 
  4. Lock the new supplier user account to the supplier.
  5. Log in as the supplier and test – can you see only the things you want them to see? 


Create Your User Account

Create your supplier user in the usual way of creating any user. If you give them a Job Title of “Supplier Portal“, they can be hidden or shown in your admin user panel using the dedicated button for this. Next set the permissions correctly for the user. We would recommend something like this: 

Zahara Screen Shot

This would allow the user to see all purchase orders, but create invoices against them. You could also enable product update or create so they can edit their own product set and pricing.

Assign to all Divisions

You need to assign the user account to all divisions. Tick the user account in the left panel and select the divisions in the panel below. Click Add. 
Do not set a Dashboard tab, so don’t provide them with any ticks on the role as shown below (dpd garage) – when you expand the divisions on the right-hand panel. 
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On the left of the screen, you can set the password manually as well so you can log in and test that before releasing it to the supplier.

External Login User

Now head into the supplier records and lock this user account to the supplier record. You select a user in the external login field. This locking is for one user account per business unit. So your supplier can’t be expected to switch business units. They log in and do basic tasks for one BU.


Zahara Screen Shot



Now login as this user – perhaps on a separate web browser – and see what the supplier will see. Make sure you are happy with the functionality. The user can only see their own supplier record or record invoices against their own supplier record. Please note suppliers are currently able to see internal comments.  

Confirmation Email

You can send an email to a supplier when an invoice has been approved. So clearly larger suppliers like DHL or FedEx won’t care about this, but a sub-contractor might appreciate the gesture. You can create an invoice workflow step to “send an email” and have a conditional start where the Supplier Type = ‘Sub Contractor’ (as an example, and you then update the supplier type field on the supplier records where you want this to happen.) The ‘To Email” element of the workflow step can be the variable of supplier email. 
Zahara Screen Shot
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